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A Book written by College Student Anish Gupta

Paperback version available on Amazon


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About this Book


About Computer Science Education


Why this Book?


Over the past decade, technology has advanced at an increasingly alarming rate: from self-driving cars to virtual assistants like Alexa, to thermostats that automatically adjust temperature by learning your behavioral patterns. These are just a couple examples of technological advancements in the past century. These all link directly to computer science. The problem? Many schools disregard the importance of this subject and are slow to adopt it to a suitable curriculum. Multiple studies have shown that kids who learn to code and understand the basics of computer science develop a higher level of thinking, stronger problem solving abilities, a boost in creativity, and even teamwork. Some experts predict that in the future, programming will be part of a contemporary education.



For the reader 

With just the knowledge of simple mathematics, readers can follow along. No prior knowledge of programming, computer science concepts or advanced algebra is necessary. Just a willingness to learn. This book builds understanding through engaging examples and intuitive explanations. QR codes (with links) are also scattered in the book to let you test and practice concepts. 

I've read several books on computer science, and too often, they don't engage middle schoolers, failing to spark interest in the subject. Another common flaw is the glossing over of fundamentals; many books rush into advanced topics, leaving students with a shaky foundation. This is the reason why I dedicated a whole book that just covers the basics and made it more interesting by adding QR codes throughout the book. By scanning one of these codes, the reader can try out code for themselves or modify it through the comfort of their phone. Moreover, this book was written by a student for students


What's Inside?



  • Data Types

  • Code Flow 

  • Control Structures

  • Data Structures

  • Syntax

  • Uses of Programming Languages

  • Practicality of Programming Languages

  • Extra Resources

Introduction to:

“This book does an excellent job at introducing the basic concepts of computer science by breaking down complicated topics into easy to grasp examples.” 

- Anthony Anderson,       Introductory Computer Science Student

My Story

Calling all Teachers, Librarians and Educators!

Free of cost online copies are available at no cost for any teachers who wish to use this in their classrooms. The same applies to librarians who want to use it for their libraries.


Paperback copies are also available at a no-profit cost. That means only printing costs and shipping which Amazon charges, and no profit on my end. If you would like to have free copies of my book, purchase the book at no profit, or have any questions, please contact me at my email, or phone number posted below:



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About the Author

My Life

Hi! I'm a sophomore at the University of Maryland, College Park pursuing an undergraduate degree in Computer Science.  I hope to inspire students to explore the many aspects of computer science and make change through code.

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